After signing at a comic book convention, UnbelievableUnteens artist Jane Ito finds herself visited by one of the characters from her own creation—but was it…
Hunting Down Comics #86
„An allem Unfug, der passiert, sind nicht etwa nur die schuld, die ihn tun, sondern auch die, die ihn nicht verhindern.“ Erich Kästner Themen Season…
CRFF385 – Lucky Devil
Just when he thinks things can’t get worse, the exorcism goes wrong . . . and he finds that somehow he’s retained all of the…
Hunting Down Comics #85
„An den Frieden denken heißt, an die Kinder denken.“ Michail Gorbatschow Themen Stillwater the Escape ZVRC: Zombies Vs. Robots Classic Monster Slumber Swamp Thing: Geschichten…
CRFF384 – Basilisk
Who Can Stop The Chimera? Five individuals bound by a cult-like hivemind, they terrorize small towns with their horrifying supernatural sense-based powers, leaving death and…